The songcomes off theupcoming albumtitledChickenfootIII,available fromAugust 26viaearMUSIC/Edel.
'The albumhas moremeat.It'sintense andshows aband thathas evolvedbothmusicallyandvocal.It'sdarkerat the same timefun.The publicneed tohave fun, that'sour job."SammyHagarsays.
"Chadwill notgoon tourbut does notseeka replacement.The album willbe releasedin lateSeptember andare planningsomeconcertsduring that time.2012will follow afulltour."
'Chemistryinthisbandis simplymagical.You have fourof the bestmusiciansin the world, it is obviousthat these peoplewilllaunch aqualitymaterial.Chickenfootworks!We do not needmoney, nobodyis trying tobecomefamous...we singfor the love ofmusic."
Album track listing:
01. Last Temptation 02. Alright, Alright 03. Different Devil 04. Up Next 05. Lighten Up 06. Come Closer 07. Three and a Half Letters 08. Bigfoot 09. Dubai Blues 10. Something Going Wrong